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Nei rā te mihi... Tēnei te mihi maioha ki a koutou katoa i tautoko i te kaupapa, me koutou anō hoki kaore e kore, ka tautoko i ngā mahi e whai ake nei.

About Us

My Māori Mentor was developed by Te Matarau a Māui Trust an organisation established to advance the Te Matarau a Māui Māori strategy for Te Ūpoko o Te Ika.  The strategy was instigated by the Te Ūpoko o Te Ika Mana Whenua Leadership Forum of Greater Wellington.  Te Matarau a Māui focuses its efforts through on five pou:

  • Iwi, Māori collectives and Māori business growth

  • Investing in education, training and employment for Māori

  • Innovative infrastructure and information

  • Enabling strong Māori communities and environments

  • Māori leadership, governance and collaboration.

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Our Vision

Mahia te kaheru matarau


Utilise the spade of a hundred blades!” ensures that kotahitanga and collaboration are embedded in our mahi.  Our key partners are the four Māori business networks in the rohe, our mana whenua groups, Greater Wellington and we are grateful to Te Puni Kōkiri for their support of the My Māori Mentor platform.

Key Values

This strategy is focussed on a shared commitment (Te Kaheru Matarau) to Māori economic prosperity towards wellbeing across Te Upoko o te Ika. The strategy is designed to coordinate and encourage commitment by the many key players – Māori business, iwi, Māori land trusts and incorporations, marae, government, education providers, industry bodies, whānau, communities, and the wider business community. The goal is greater Māori economic prosperity delivered in a way that ensures wellbeing in the widest sense – for Māori, for communities, for the environment. This can only be achieved by ensuring: Māori have control over their own economic development; the strategy has an inter – generational outlook; strategy, projects and approaches reflect and integrate mātauranga Māori and the Māori worldview; and the outcomes are directly linked to the health and wellbeing of Māori whānau, communities and the environment.


Our place is amazingly diverse in the people, thinking and doing, and we are continuously evolving. This strategy endeavours to represent that breadth of experience and insight, having engaged with Māori from all walks of life. Naturally, this strategy provides a starting point for what we envision the future for the next generations could look like. As our economy grows, so too will the priorities, opportunities and outcomes that make up this Māori economic development strategy for Te Upoko o Te Ika a Maui.

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Thank you to our funders

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